Tuesday, January 31, 2012

10 Months

Can it really be that my sweet babies are 10 months old?  I know I say it every month, but I just LOVE this age!  I feel like they are changing so fast right now, and seem to learn new things almost every day.  

just a swingin'

Our Schedule:
Our schedule has changed just a little bit this month.  The babies are able to stay awake a little bit longer in the afternoon and evening before bed without getting fussy.  Rhys is still our high sleep needs baby, and typically sleeps anywhere from 1-1.5 more hours every day than Rhett! The twins take 2 naps per day and each nap is anywhere from 1-2 hours.  I have noticed that the babies tend to do much better when they go to bed earlier.  Sometimes we keep them up in the evenings if we are out, have a special event, etc.  But it seems like the earlier they go to bed, the better and longer they will sleep.

7:00  Wake and nurse
8:00  Breakfast solids
9:00  Nap
10:45/11:00  Wake and nurse
12:00  Lunch solids
1:30  Nap
3:00/3:30  Wake and nurse
5:00  Dinner solids
6:30  Nurse and bed

The twins are still nursing 4 times each day.  They eat 3 solid meals as well.  Rhys is a little pig and will eat almost anything....and she eats ALOT!  She likes feeding herself and is so content to just sit in her high chair and take her time.  Rhett enjoys his food, too, but doesn't like too many different textures yet.  He does not like to eat breakfast at all.  He is eating mostly purees still, but does like feeding himself crackers. Rhys' favorites right now are waffles and blueberries.  Rhett's favs are sweet potatoes with cinnamon and pears.  Here are some of the foods that the babies typically eat.
Breakfast - waffles, eggs, oatmeal with fruit, yogurt, fresh fruit pieces
Lunch - whole wheat pasta, veggies (both purees and small pieces), fruit (purees and pieces), avocado
Dinner - some type of meat (usually jar mixed with veggies), whole wheat toast, cereal with fruit

Rhett at 10 Months:
*wearing 9-12 month clothing
*size 3 shoe
*size 4 diaper
*about 21 pounds

Rhett "talks" all day.  He started saying "mama" but does not associate the word with me yet.  He laughs ALOT and gets silly and giggly.  Rhett is still super cuddly and loves to be held.  He is not crawling yet, but prefers to roll everywhere to get what he wants.  He loves to be outdoors and really enjoys our afternoon walks.  Rhett loves to be read to and likes turning the pages of his books.  He likes to watch Rhys play and tries to "talk" to her.  Rhett still loves bath time and giggles when we comb his hair.....and he has a head full of hair!

reading with daddy

Rhett is serious about reading.

sweet baby Rhett after a bath

Rhett has 7 teeth.  Yes, you read that right.  SEVEN.  Four on the top, three on the bottom.  And maybe getting some more because this kid never. stops. drooling.  Awesome.
look at my wet bib

drool monster!

Rhett loves playing with dolls too.  What a good brother he will be!  This little baby doll Uncle Mike gave Rhett for Christmas.  His name is Stewie. 
Rhett loves Stewie

Rhett has had some developmental delays but has made so much progress this month!  He is getting stronger and stronger each week.  He is still in physical therapy twice a week and does occupational therapy once a week.  He does stretches and exercises with me at home every day.

working hard at tummy time

sure do love this kid!

Rhys at 10 Months:
*wearing 9 month clothing
*size 2 shoe
*size 4 diaper
*about 19 pounds
*has 2 bottom teeth

Rhys has changed so much this month!  She is on the move...crawling FAST and pulling up onto everything! 

Rhys recently started sitting indian style and we think it is so funny. She sits like this all the time now.

Rhys also started doing this thing where she wrinkles up her nose and breathes fast and heavy when she thinks something is funny.  She also does it when I pull the camera out.  We think she sounds like a little pug puppy!  Here are a few of the faces she makes when she does this...

Rhys is so easy going and is really flexible.  She is super easy to entertain and play with.  She likes playing by herself.  One of her favorite things right now is to take things out of a container.  She will empty out all the balls out of the ball popper, all the shapes out of the sorter, and even take all of the clothes out of a laundry basket.  She takes things out one at a time and tosses them aside.  She is not really into putting things back in yet...

Rhys loves her daddy and just beams with excitement when he talks to her.  Here she is saying goodbye to him one morning before he left for work.

Our little Rhysie is a mess!  She stays super busy and is always moving.  She gets very sleepy in her high chair every time she eats, and I think it is because she has to be still in her chair!  

we just adore our "pampers princess"

The twins are really starting to interact with each other more and more.  Sometimes they will just stare at each other.  It makes me wonder what they are thinking!  A couple days ago Rhys looked at Rhett and said "ba ba ba" and then Rhett said "ba ba ba" right back to her.  It was hilarious!

playing "house" together

Rhys checking up on Rhett in the pack n play

making music together

LOVE my precious 10 month old babies!  Looking forward to what the next month will bring!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Great Outdoors

After several days of this...

And this...


And this...

Oh, and this...

We knew it was time to spend some time outdoors.  

Tim recently discovered that Northwest Vista College has a disc golf course and wanted to try it out, so last weekend we loaded up the stroller, water bottles, snacks, our discs and headed out.  Oh, and we loaded up the twins too!  

The course was beautiful and had tons of trees!  Tim played the 18 holes of golf while I pushed the babies in the stroller.  They had a great time!  I'm sure we will be visiting this course again soon.

1st time playing disc golf

"what are these things and why are you throwing them?"

Then this past weekend the weather was absolutely gorgeous, so we decided to head over to our neighborhood playground.  We started out with the swings...

We originally put the babies each in their own swing, but they were falling forward and just didn't look comfortable.  Once we put them in the same swing it worked much better!  Rhett and Rhys both loved it!

But Rhett loved it the most!  He did not stop laughing the whole time he was in the swing.

Rhys had a good time too. (ignore my annoying "mommy voice" in the background!)

After the swings, Rhys tried out the slide.

Then the twins played in the rocks.  And tried to eat them.

They watched other kids playing.

And even swung on the big swings with mommy and daddy.

After we played, we went for a walk on the trail through the park.

R&R love being outside, and we love that they love it!  Tim is such an outdoor enthusiast and he is already planning out fishing, camping, kayaking, and other trips to do with the twins.  I'm sure we will have lots of outdoor adventures with our little family.  Until then, we will enjoy the park, our walks, and swings!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

When You Have a Twin Sister...


You always have someone to scratch your head.

You sometimes have to wear a pink bib.  With glitter.  And bling.

You always have a buddy to eat with.

You don't mind playing with her pink rattle when she is playing with your blue one.

You always have a friend to play with.

You get to play with baby dolls.

Even purple ones.

You have someone to make sure your helmet is on tight.

You have a best friend for life.